New Users - Computing at MPCDF
Registration and first steps
New users can apply for an account by filling in the application online form
After the account has been created, the user can login (via ssh and and the second factor defined in the process - 2FA) to the gateway machine.
From the gateway machines, users can access any of the login nodes of the compute clusters for which they are authorized. Specific authorization requests have to be declared in the account application form.
New users are encouraged to consult our comprehensive technical documentation, including a FAQ and our computer bulletin Bits&Bytes, and to take advantage of our semi-annual online introductory courses (see Training & Education)
Technical Documentation
Information about operating systems, the general and system specific software at MPCDF is provided on our technical documentation platform
MPCDF users can view and customize their personal settings (password, mail configuration, etc. ), get access to additional services (e.g. gitlab, datashare) and manage guest accounts through the MPCDF SelfService platform.
Support requests can be directed to the MPCDF helpdesk.
This webserver of the MPCDF uses a server certificate based on the root certificate of the Deutsche Telecom Root CA2. This root certificate is integrated in many operating systems and browsers. It may also be downloaded from here.
Fingerprint of Root-CA "Deutsche Telekom Root CA2"
SHA1:<85a408c0 9c193e5d 51587dcd d61330fd 8cde37bf>