MPCDF picture of the month: January 2025

MPCDF picture of the month: January 2025

Two large v-shaped coolers are standing on the roof of our technical building. In summer, they carry away heat from the chilling machines that cool down the hot water coming from the various computers. In winter when the outside temperature is sufficiently low, a cooling power of up to 3 Megawatts can be reached. The chilling machines can then be bypassed and the hot water from the computing systems can be cooled directly with the winter's air.

High-performance computing and data analytics application support for the MPG

High-performance computing and data analytics application support for the MPG

The MPCDF provides high-level support for the development, optimization, analysis and visualization of high-performance computing (HPC) and data analytics (HPDA) applications to Max-Planck Institutes with high-end computing needs, e.g. in astrophysics, fusion research, materials and bio sciences, polymer research, and theoretical chemistry.

MPG supercomputer Viper

MPG supercomputer Viper

Based on AMD EPYC Genoa 9554 processors: 768 CPU compute nodes, 98304 CPU cores, 432 TB RAM (DDR5), 4.9 PFlop/s theoretical peak performance (FP64). 200 Gb/s Interconnect (Nvidia NDR200, nonblocking fat-tree fabric over all nodes). Operational since June 2024.

MPG supercomputer Raven

MPG supercomputer Raven

Based on Intel Xeon IceLake-SP processor 8360Y and Nvidia A100 GPU: 1592 CPU-compute nodes, 114,624 CPU-cores, 457 TB RAM (DDR4), 8.8 PFlop/s theoretical peak performance (FP64), 192 GPU-accelerated nodes providing 768 Nvidia A100 GPUs, 30 TB GPU RAM (HBM2), 16 PFlop/s theoretical peak performance (FP64, including tensor cores and host CPUs). HDR InfiniBand interconnect.

IBM Tape library at MPCDF (Photo by Klaus Zilker, MPCDF)

IBM tape library

IBM TS4500 tape library. In total, MPCDF tape libraries provide a capacity of more than 105,000 LTO tape slots and 200 LTO tape drives and store more than 300 Petabytes of long-term archives (HPSS) and backups (IBM Spectrum Protect). The data archives of Max-Planck scientists include experiment and simulation data from many science areas, e.g. from life and materials sciences, astro and fusion research, and also treasures of the World Heritage like sound recordings of endangered languages or images of historic frescoes.


National and international projects

National and international projects

The MPCDF, in partnership with different Max Planck Institutes is engaged in several national and international projects and research consortia, such as EU Centers of Excellence, with a focus in high-performance computing, data analytics and data management.

Science use cases

Science use cases

The brochure "High-Performance Computing and Data Science in the Max Planck Society" shows examples of cutting-edge science in the Max Planck Society which were enabled by MPCDF services.

Welcome to the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)


The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF, formerly known as RZG) is a cross-institutional competence centre of the Max Planck Society to support computational and data sciences. In close collaboration with domain scientists from the Max Planck Institutes the MPCDF is engaged in the development and optimization of algorithms and applications for high performance computing and data analytics as well as in the design and implementation of solutions for data-intensive projects. The MPCDF operates state-of-the-art supercomputers, several mid-range compute systems and data repositories for various Max Planck institutes, and provides an up-to-date infrastructure for data management including long-term archival.

Operational Information

MPCDF compute, data and network services operate normally.

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IPP users please contact the IPP Service Desks in Garching or Greifswald for problems or questions or search for information available in the IPP Intranet.

News at MPCDF


A new issue of the MPCDF computer bulletin Bits&Bytes was released. Read about the availability of the AlphaFold3 software on Raven, the introdution of the MPCDF HPC-monitoring system on the new Viper machine, and other HPC news, about a a new AI ...

The first phase of the new supercomputer Viper of the Max Planck Society is now open for early user operation.

Researchers develop novel method to predict the morphology of sugar coats on clinically relevant proteins within minutes. GlycoSHIELD, a new computational approach to study the sugar shields of proteins, is resource-reducing, time-efficient and ...

The MPCDF has issued a brochure on "High-Performance Computing and Data Science in the Max Planck Society" with examples of science that is currently being supported by the MPCDF services.

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