Training courses at MPCDF

Open Day Campus Garching

Visit MPCDF at open day

Introduction to MPCDF Services

How to start with the MPCDF systems and services
The Introductory User Tutorial is designed to familiarize you with MPCDF's compute and data services. In the first part, we provide an overview of MPCDF's mission and highlight its key services, along with a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a user account. Moving on, the second talk delves into MPCDF's supercomputers, covering their hardware specifications, software environment, filesystems, and file transfer and archiving workflows. The final part offers a comprehensive introduction to using the Slurm batch system, demonstrating its functionalities through practical examples and job scripts drawn from MPCDF's supercomputers. Throughout the talks, feel free to ask questions via chat. Plus, we offer a dedicated Q&A session afterwards. This tutorial aims to simplify the initial experience for newcomers to MPCDF's services. We conduct it twice a year, typically in spring and autumn, and past presentation slides are available for reference. [more]

Python for HPC Workshop

Python for HPC
The Python programming language and its software ecosystem have become very popular in scientific computing for various reasons. Users not only implement prototypes for numerical experiments on small scales, but also develop parallel production codes, thereby partly replacing compiled languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. However, when following this approach it is crucial to pay special attention to performance. [more]
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