New Max Planck supercomputer Viper operational

The first phase of the new supercomputer Viper of the Max Planck Society is now open for early user operation. more

Bits & Bytes  No. 215, April 2024

A new issue of the MPCDF computer bulletin Bits&Bytes was released. Read about high-performance computing, including software news about the AlphaFold2 deployment at MPCDF, new Intel compilers and CUDA toolchains, and a new release of the eigensolver library ELPA, using Kubernetes in the MPCDF HPC cloud, tips for rendering graphs in gitlab, activities around large language models, and upcoming events. more

Software Speeds Up Drug Development

Researchers develop novel method to predict the morphology of sugar coats on clinically relevant proteins within minutes. GlycoSHIELD, a new computational approach to study the sugar shields of proteins, is resource-reducing, time-efficient and user-friendly. It was developed in the frame of the Max Planck Society's Dioscuri Programme in a Polish-German cooperation project through international collaborations with researchers in France, Taiwan and Germany, including the MPCDF. where the interactive web-application has been developed and hosted. The study  was recently published in Cell. more

Image by courtesy of J. Warnecke, MPI for Solar System Research

Large scale numerical simulations performed by scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) on the supercomputers Cobra and Raven at the MPCDF led to new findings that challenge the conventional understanding of solar dynamics and could improve predictions of solar weather in the future, according to their study which was recently published in Nature Astronomy. more

<p>New Max Planck supercomputer</p>

New Max Planck supercomputer

February 10, 2023

The new supercomputer for the Max Planck Society to be built by Atos and based on latest AMD processor technologies will replace MPCDF’s Cobra system in the course of 2023 and 2024. more

MoveApps wins 2022 Conservation Tech Award

The movement analysis platform (Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour, in collaboration with MPCDF and University of Konstanz) was awarded the prize for leveraging animal tracking’s Big Data to safeguard wildlife across the globe. more

CO<sub>2</sub> footprint of MPCDF

CO2 footprint of MPCDF

July 27, 2022

Since more and more institutes request their CO2 footprint generated while using MPCDF computing resources, MPCDF now provides a webpage which documents the total power consumption of MPCDF, together with the fraction used by the central HPC systems (Raven and Cobra) and the associated CO2 generation as communicated by the electricity provider. In addition, the electricty mix of nuclear, fossile, and “green” sources is documented. more

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